Hey! I’m Hamid 👋
I'm a full stack developer
Experienced with Javascript, TypeScript, React, and Node. Here, I write about web development, coding, testing, tools, and sometimes life.
Latest Posts
A Complete Guide to Flexbox: Understanding and Implementing CSS Flexbox - Part 2
CSS flexbox is a powerful tool for creating flexible and responsive layouts on the web. With flexbox, you can easily align and distribute elements within a container, regardless of their size or content.
A Complete Guide to Flexbox: Understanding and Implementing CSS Flexbox - Part 1
CSS flexbox is a powerful tool for creating flexible and responsive layouts on the web. With flexbox, you can easily align and distribute elements within a container, regardless of their size or content.
Understanding the Differences between @use and @forward in SASS
Learn the differences between @use and @forward in SASS, their use cases, and how they can make your SASS code more organized and efficient in this comprehensive guide.
Latest Projects
starter-kitReact Starter Template with Vite, TypeScript, Lingui, Jest, Testing-Library, and ESLint. A streamlined setup with best practices for folder structure and configuration. Ideal for scalable React apps 🔥
💾 ‎ Personal website running on NextJS
Weather Vibe is a weather forecast app built with Vite, React, TypeScript, Redux, Tailwind CSS, and Mantine.
Senior Frontend Engineer
Senior Frontend Developer
Senior Frontend Developer